Thursday, April 8, 2010

Why Do You Blog?

Blog is a word that used to be unknown but is slowly gaining popularity. Almost everyone knows what a blog is now. For some it is an online journal. For others it could be a way for them to keep in touch with family and friends. Others use it for a source of income. The reasons why one blogs can be vast and varied. I started this blog as an outlet for my writing. It has turned into so much more.

I have started a community of sorts for myself. I have learned a lot through comments left from my readers. I have learned when to speak up and when to keep my mouth shut. I have learned that maybe my life or thoughts are at least a bit interesting, as my readers come back looking for more. So thank you dear readers! I know some of you, know of some of you through your own personal blogs, and realize that there are several lurkers who must find one thing or another helpful or entertaining that I write.

I don't blog for money. I do have a few advertisements on here of course, but haven't even cashed in on one of them yet. That is not the purpose of this blog. I don't blog about controversial things just to get clicks, I don't make things up in order to draw in more readers. I feel that it is my responsibility as a mother to keep it real. I will blog about my good days as well as the bad. I'm not a supermom and will never pretend to be. I'm just a real person sharing real things about my life.

I can tell you that blogging is fun. I love receiving comments and I suppose it is a bit of an ego boost to realize that people actually choose to come back day after day to read my daily drivel. I started this blog back in August not sure what direction I would be taking it in. I have changed layouts several times. I have learned a lot of computer design work just by messing around on my blog. I've been using it as an online journal and love going back through the older posts and see what I was working on back then. It's been an adventure and I just wish I had started one sooner!

If you have a blog, what enticed you to start it? If you read certain blogs, what keeps you coming back to them again and again?


  1. i started my first blog as my personal journal. around 2000, i finally learned to touch type and it just became faster than writing in my notebook every day.
    i started my second blog in 2007 when i had my son. i write it from his perspective and it's all about what he did with his day. my family/friends are scattered across the globe now and it's a great way for them to see what my son is doing.
    i started my 3rd blog a few months ago, it's all about food, what i cook for dinner. i saw what skinnywallet and grocery cart challenge were doing and saw there really wasn't a blog like that i was aware of for the UK.
    i don't have many readers and that's fine. blogging gives me something fun to do while i SAHM.
    i read a couple blogs, they seem to be cooking/mom related ones. it's nice to see what other's are doing and handling the mom job. your blog seems a close fit to my lifestyle and background

  2. I LOVE to blog. I like to research and learn and write about what I learned. I like to share tips, I like to help others.

    I think my main goal with The Skinny Wallet blog is to help others save money. To learn to live frugal. So many people nowadays find themselves in a financial situation they have never been in, they have never had to watch their money and they don't know HOW to budget and save and cut corners. I've had people email me and say my blog helped them.

    With my homeschool blog I just started I'm not sure WHAT my goal is. I think mostly a personal journal of this journey into homeschooling. A place to keep my links and an online record of what works and what doesn't is kinda what I have in mind for it, but who knows WHAT it will turn into down the road LOL

    BTW, I love your blog, cause it's real. It's a lot like my life, and I like to read blogs that I can relate to.

    BTW-thought I'd share with you-haven't posted this yet but for my grocery goal this month I only went over $12 for the month!!!
