Monday, April 19, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Last week we did not go out somewhere three days in a row. Since I was too busy to cook we did not stop at McDonald's three days in a row. By the third day the lady at the window did not seem to recognize me and tell me that my mother had just been through the drive through. How she knew who I was (or who my mother is!) is beyond me!

At one of the very first garage sales that I stopped at I did not see a bin of purses and ask how much they were. $5 for any purse in the bin. I did not see a purse that I liked that I dug out and realize that it was a lovely Coach purse.

I am now not the proud new owner of a Coach purse that only cost me $5. :)

Don't forget to sign up for the Eco-Friendly Toy Giveaway which ends tomorrow!

Happy Not Me! Monday!


  1. Oh how I've been there before...using McDoanlds as my personal chef! =) happens sometimes. (Loved the part about the drive-thru woman knowing your mom!)

    LUCKY DOG on the that sweet Coach bag find! Why doesn't that stuff happen to me?!

  2. Sorry I spelled McDonalds wrong.

  3. Hi there! Stopping by from MckMamas! Seriously killer find! Where do people garage sale? I always see these amazing finds yet never score that loot?!?!

  4. That is one sweet garage sale find! Way to go!

  5. That's so funny about McDonald's! My son and I went through the drive-thru this morning to get some drinks. Then, we went back through to pick up lunch after story time at the library. When the guy came over the speaker to take my order, I told my son "that's the same guy from this morning!" When we got to the window, he did a double take and said "Back for more?" I think we'll take a couple days break from McDonald's. :)
