Monday, April 5, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Last week was very hectic so I will recap some of what went on, even though some of it was mentioned in my last post.

I did not become too lazy last week to make a menu plan and shopping list, therefore spending $21 at one store and $64 at another only to come away with about three meals worth of food. I was not doing so well sticking to a $75 weekly grocery budget for weeks only to smash this week into the ground due to being "tired". Not me, I'm always organized with shopping list in hand!

I didn't rush out to buy Easter goodies on Friday afternoon only to find the stores jam packed, and the good candy and chocolate bunnies gone. I did not find out on Saturday that our store was out of spiral sliced hams and instead had to settle on a turkey ham for our Easter dinner.

While slaving in the kitchen for Easter dinner I did not come to find out that I should have also picked up potatoes as the bag I had was wrinkly and growing eyes...and ears, noses, mouths, and legs. I did not peel them and boil them anyway because I wanted potatoes, gosh darn it!

I have not been enticing the children to price their toys which involve many pieces for our garage sale this week. What kind of mommy would want their children to give up their toys just because she finds little pieces all over the house?! That wasn't me at all!

Happy Not Me! Monday! Please share your weekly Not Me! Moments to make me feel better!


  1. I did NOT have to make an emergency grocery run to Walmart yesterday because I was out of everything I needed but ham!

  2. I did not make my family frozen pizza for easter dinner so we could spend all day playing outside ...Not Me
