Friday, April 16, 2010

My Favorite Find

I apologize for how lame my blog has been this week. Things have been so busy that I haven't gotten around to posting. I hope for things to get back to normal next week.

Yesterday hubby took the day off from work and we went to some city wide garage sales. I forgot how exhausting it is to take an almost two year old to garage sales. Putting him in and out of the vehicle countless times, watching him while also trying to shop, trying to detract his attention from the toy that he whines for at each sale. It is tiring! Even hubby admitted that after two hours of that he felt as though he had just worked an eight hour shift at work.

The sales were not as good as last year. I did manage to find the summer pajamas for the boys that I was hoping to find but I am still on the lookout for shorts for all three kiddos. One of my favorite finds were these: I love making cookies but have a terribly dull collection of cookie cutters. I found three bags of vintage cookies cutters that were divided into categories: shapes, animals, Christmas/Misc. The bags were just 25 cents each so I grabbed all three. The bags also included a lot of plastic cutters that I will use but don't like as much as the dough often seems to stick to them. These metal cookie cutters excite me to no end! Look at that itty bitty cat cookie cutter at the adorable is that?! I see a lot of cookie making in my future.

More about garage sales and my finds later on!


  1. I loved looking at your cookie cutters. My mil found some at a garage sale and gave them to my dd, who is 15. My dd and I always say that we want to open a cookie shop someday. I love the look of the old cutters. Timeless treasures.


  2. Beth-
    If you love cookies I think you would love the website Her daughter and her make the most beautiful cookies!

  3. Elizabeth, I love this website! Thanks.

