Monday, February 15, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Since weaning Joe last month I have not come to realize that the different hormones make for a serious case of PMS. I did not feel like killing someone for the past week, never felt like crying at the drop of a hat, did not have a migraine for the past several days, and did not have my face erupt with several pimples. I do not feel like I am going through an awkward teenage moment.

I've also not gained a few pounds in the last month. Because I'm not a pig and do not like to eat and never would have forgotten to drop those additional calories that I got used to eating while breastfeeding.

I have not been stuck in the house for so long from the snow and cold that I started to go stark raving mad. Saturday was not a balmy 23 degrees and so inviting that I took a long walk with my sister and our dogs. I did not enjoy the outing so much that I had felt like I had been on a mini vacation. Fresh air and some exercise does not refresh you or lift your spirits.

When I realized that we are half way through February I did not rejoice, knowing we are so much closer to spring. Last night when the weatherman said it is just 35 days until spring I did not want to dance a jig. 35 days actually does not sound that far off.

Happy Not Me! Monday!


  1. Ugh...I feel for you girl. I breastfed Jordan for 2 years & it was awful when I quit.

  2. I had a sincerely murderous thursday last week too! And a face full of zits worse than I EVER got in high school. Hang on! you'll make it!

  3. Hi there! Found you on MckMama and had to stop by to tell you...MAN I FEEL YOUR PAIN! I just got my IUD out and not sure if that is making me worse but JEEZ I am prepubescently hideous and ready to murder someone :) Hope everyone survives us!

  4. just one more month until daylight savings time...and we will see the sun for a couple more hours a night!
