Monday, February 1, 2010

Not Me! Monday

Last week when the weather had us cooped inside and I about went crazy with cabin fever I did not decide that we were going to have a "fun day". After stopping for hamburgers and fries I did not drive 25 miles away to a library which has a fun area for kids.

I was not slowly starting to unwind as the kids listened to stories, played with the toys, and jumped on pillows...until I noticed Joe's face go red and realized he was making a "stinky" over in the corner. It wouldn't have been so bad, except I also realized that I left the diaper bag at home. The "stinky" was so stinky that I did not make the decision to leave before someone wondered just what that smell was.

Once outside I did not frantically look around the van hoping that there would be a diaper hidden somewhere. I did not jump for joy when I found a package of baby wipes hidden under the front seat, only to find out that they were frozen...solid. I wasn't the one who pried a few wipes out of the package and set them before the heating vents to warm up.

Not knowing what else to do, and having a few more stores that I wanted to go to (that didn't sell diapers), I did not "dump his mess" into a plastic bag, wipe him down, and put the "almost clean" diaper back on him. I did not declare victory and head on to a few more stores! What kind of mother would do that? Not Me!!


  1. Ha--this is too funny. What a great way to start a new week...laughing. :) Thanks for sharing. February means we are that much closer to spring!!

  2. I have never forgotten my diaper bag either. I mean what kind of mom does that hehe!!

  3. Total victory! I say good job. Last week I forgot the diaper bag when we went out to lunch, and of course my son pooped, and had to sit in it until we got back home. Poor little guy!

  4. I have NEVER done that. I have never taken the oldest daughter's shirt left in the truck and used it as a diaper since I could only find covers in the diaper bag. Nope not me.

  5. I've never done that one either. ANd NEVER EVER at the doctor's office. that would be gross.
    ;) great one.

  6. That is awesome! Never underestimate the ingenuity of a desperate mother!
