Thursday, December 24, 2009

What is Important?

Thinking about the birth of Jesus brings to mind everything surrounding that story. It brings to light that God chose a poor woman to birth our Savior. This woman gave birth to her Son in a barn, surrounded by animals. It doesn't sound very glamorous, does it? But God chose the perfect one to have His child, and knew that both Mary and Joseph would raise Jesus as He should be raised.

God could have chosen a very wealthy and high powered woman. But He didn't. It makes you realize that God does not favor those who are rich or with power. He favors the humble, the poor, the handicapped, and the sick. The ones who are considered worthless or beneath, by some people's standards. The Bible makes it clear that "the first shall be last and the last shall be first". That illustrates perfectly how the world thinks much differently than God. Look at how restaurants, designers, and even us "mere humans" fawn over movie stars just because they are rich and famous. They are treated as though they are above everyone else and more important than others. All because of their money and power.

Yet, God chose the mother of His Son to be Mary, who was no one out of the ordinary. Because money and power do not make you a good person, or a good parent. Money and power do not make you more wise or more important. Money and power do not make you happy. Money and power are not good things according to the Bible. Which is why God choose a woman, who may have been ordinary in her time, to raise our Savior. Because of who she was and what was in her heart.

By thinking on this one may grasp the concept that it really is the simple things in life that count. Being a millionaire or a "big success" by today's standards means nothing. Look at how unhappy it can make someone (think Tiger Woods, for instance). I would rather work at McDonald's and just barely squeak by while having a happy, loving family to come home to than work in a big corporate office and spend the majority of my time there while letting someone else raise my children and come home to a big empty mansion each night. If that makes you happy, than so be it, but that scenario would not make me a happy camper.

I read an article about a local restaurant, one of the oldest in our state. It has had famous people pass through it's doors, being a local landmark and all. But the owner of the restaurant said something in an interview that stuck with me. "All our patrons are important to us and we treat them all as equals because after all, no one is more important than anyone else." I wish we all could stick to this mantra.

This Christmas I hope we can all realize what makes us happy and rejoice in the simple things in life. We are not to treasure our earthly goods or successes, but rather build up our treasures in heaven. I think we all can use a little reminder of that every now and then.

May you all have a very Merry Christmas!

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