Monday, December 14, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Wow, is it really Monday again already?! Last week went by so quickly that I can barely recall all the things I did, much less the things "I didn't do"!

It wasn't me who called Jacob's speech therapist last Thursday to cancel his class. There really was no reason whatsoever except that we awoke to no hot water (simple fix...the hot water heater was turned to the off setting) and I didn't want to leave the house without a shower first. What mother would do that?

I did not start the Christmas baking off last week with a batch of almond bark pretzels, thinking they would stay hidden in the freezer. I did not notice yesterday that the bag is half gone...and I still have not figured out who has been sneaking them! (Seriously, it wasn't me.)

I did not make a much needed run to the grocery store on Friday without a list (gasp!) only to find that the store was beyond crowded. So crowded, in fact, that I got flustered and ended up just picking something up for supper. I do not get flustered by crowds of people...not me!

When I dug the van out last week from the 10.5" of snow that we received in the minus 20 degree windchills I did not think I got frostbite on my hands when I all of a sudden couldn't feel them and then had horrible burning while they were thawing out. Because I never would have chosen the thin, barely-there gloves over something much more insulating. Not me!

On Saturday when hubby took the two oldest to a movie and toddler fell asleep I did not plop on the couch and watch a movie from beginning to end! With an hour to myself I would be cleaning or reading or writing, not vegging out in front of a movie!


  1. I would never do any of those things either! hahaha

  2. Good for you! Not watching an entire movie, I can barely imagine it! Love your holiday background. :)

  3. I think you totally deserve to spend an hour of your busy week on your tuckus on the couch!!! There's always time to be productive, but you have to take care of yourself sometimes, too!


  4. OH yeah, watching a movie beats the rest that's for sure! :)


  5. Those were great! Thanks for sharing! :D
