Monday, December 7, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Today, instead of confessing my not-so-great moments I will be explaining what my perfect little angels did not do.

My sweet little Joe did not make his own little faux snow playground with powdered cleaners last week. (Please see last Friday's post for the full effect.) He would never do that, and the eldest two never would have helped him do that.

My easy going Jacob did not have a full blown fit at his speech therapy last Thursday and get so upset that we had to leave. He did not bury his head into my coat and not move or talk to the teacher and did not scream like a banshee when I tried to leave him alone in the room to do his work. Not him, not ever!

My Rebecca did not open up a tube of mascara and have her brothers "paint" with it all over the playroom, and themselves. And then lie about her part in it, only to confess later that yes, she did indeed open it and tell them to do that. She would never lie and never think up something like that.

Rebecca did not somehow see her Christmas present in the basement and later say "I know what you got me for Christmas."

Jacob did not lock the puppy behind the door leading to the steps. Since the puppy is scared to go up the steps she did not stay behind the door and leave a little surprise there, which promptly got smashed into the carpet as we opened the door. I did not get upset and only find humor in it when I remembered the scene in "Dumb & Dumber-er" (is that the title?!) where Harry had an experience with a chocolate bar in the bathroom and later Bob Saget went up there and started screaming. Those words were running through my head as I cleaned up the mess.

Joe did not dump an entire cup full of soda on himself while in the car on Saturday when we were out and about Christmas shopping. I did not have to stop at a consignment store to buy him a new change of clothing.


  1. Thank you for the laugh...good to know my Tyler bug is not alone in the michief department

  2. (Closes wide-open, gaping mouth)

    The mascara thing has me in shock... I can only imagine the huge amount of damage done with that tiny little wand!!!


  3. Oh lordy! Sounds like you did not have a difficult time there at all. ;)
