Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Eve

Can it really be the last day of 2009? I know that I must say this every year but this year really has gone by too quickly. Looking back it hasn't been a year that will stick out in my memory as being extraordinary but it was a good year because we all are healthy and happy.

What do you typically do on New Year's Eve? We haven't ever celebrated it by having a party or doing anything grand. Some years we stay up until midnight and other years we go to bed as usual. Sometimes that happens as you get old and boring. :) This year we have plans of getting take-out pizza and a movie, and the adults will have a little wine. A low-key evening that will be special just for the fact that we are all ready to ring in a new year together.

Are you the the type that makes New Year's Resolutions? I always try to change a few things every year and think the best way is to make a resolution. I don't get depressed or discouraged if I happen to not stick with them, but just knowing there is something new I which I want to work on in a new year helps me usually stick to it. My goals for the new year fall into many categories, which are:

A Healthier Home: Meaning healthier food, healthier cleaners, organized work spaces, scheduled bedtimes for each child, and manly just a home that runs much more smoothly. I will be starting out slowly and will update you on my successes.

A Healthier Body: This applies to each family member, which will involve a healthy diet and more exercise. We do fairly decent in these areas but there are a few things we can improve on.

A Healthier Budget: I must toot my own horn and say I already have a good budget which I mainly stick to. This past year grocery store prices have risen, along with gas, electric, and city bills. I need to go through my budget and redo it to accommodate those increases and do better about sticking to the budget so that I have extra each month to stick into saving.

That list may sound like a lot but most of it is already things that I have been working on and just want to continue to improve. I also have goals for this blog. I don't want it to be "just" another mommy blog which talks "just" about the kids and our daily life. I hope for my readers to learn, and also to teach me. That is why I have started some themes, such as Frugal Friday which will hopefully show people how to save money here and there and also Wholesome Wednesday which will be discussing different "wholesome" views. I enjoyed the comments yesterday and was proud that whether you agreed or disagreed with me or one another you all did it in such a nice way. :) So there will be changes coming in the new year on this blog, which will be changes for the better! Are there any specific changes you would like to see?

What are your new year's resolutions?

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