Monday, November 30, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I did not go through the whole toy room yesterday and find a bag of toys to donate. I would never purge the toys without the children's consent. It was not a long overdue project that I had been putting off. And I did not feel a big weight lifted off of me after I got the whole room cleaned and organized.

I did not let hubby put the Christmas tree up all by himself, for the second year in a row, because it annoys me trying to unravel lights, put the branches exactly where they go, and hang all the ornaments as three children flutter about getting in the way. I am the super mom that enjoys these moments so would never brush the tree trimming off on hubby. Not me!

I did not come down with yet another cold this past week. :(

I did not leave one of the pumpkin pies that I baked for the family gathering at home so we could eat it all by ourselves. We did not devour that whole pie in one sitting...five people eating one pie means a little too much pie for one or two of those people!

It sure wasn't me who ventured out on the day after Thanksgiving for some Black Friday shopping with an 18 month old at 6am. I didn't run to our dinky Walmart to score some of the cheap $2 movies or other goodies that I just had to have for Christmas. Only crazy people do Black Friday shopping!

I am not trying to find the perfect Scooby Doo action figure set for my 4 year old for Christmas, only to be outbid on everything on Ebay and to find it sold out at Toys R Us and too expensive on Amazon. Ugh!


  1. I cleaned out some of my boys' toys this week too...and sent a huge bag of stuff to school this morning for their teachers to put in the treasure box! I braved Black Friday too and got some great deals! Happy Monday!

  2. I bet they won't even miss the toys! Hope your cold go away quickly!

  3. This time of year just brings out the NOT in all of us right??

  4. Great "Not Me!"'s!

    At our house we did *not* forget to bake our pumpkin pie, meaning I get to gorge on it this week yay!

    And I think I might have you beat when it comes to charitable donations-- I routinely go through my hubby's closet without his consent. Ooops!


  5. so funny, i love to let hubby put the tree up by himself. i am too picky
