Monday, November 23, 2009

Not Me! Monday

It's that time again...confessions from a not-so-perfect-at-times mama!

I did not let my six year old daughter run around the neighborhood alone looking for the dog that she let out of the house. I was not tired of chasing that darn dog and tired of reminding the children to not let him out of the house. I did not sit in a warm house while she spent 15 minutes looking for him, only to have another neighborhood girl return him a little while later. Not me!

I did not eat two slices of the pumpkin roll I made yesterday, even though I will be hogging down the pumpkin pie and food later this week. I did not force myself to finish that second piece of pumpkin roll even though it wasn't tasting too good after the first piece and the cream cheese frosting was getting to me. Nope, not me, I'm not a pig after all!

I did not make my cold seem a little worse than it was yesterday so that I could spend some time in the bedroom in the evening reading and watching television while hubby held up the fort downstairs. I did not enjoy my time immensely and hardly feel guilty at all. By the way, staying in your pjs for the whole day makes it seem that much more believeable!

When I forgot to call about jury duty one weekend I did not get a letter stating I never showed and that I was to be held in contempt of court if I did not call in my reasoning. After getting that settled I did not receive on short notice last week that I was to report for jury duty the very next morning...and this was when my kids were dripping green snot and hacking mucousy coughs. I did not call in the next morning stating that I could not get a babysitter (it's almost impossible for me to get a babysitter when my kids are healthy, much less sick!). I did not have to speak directly to the judge to be excused. Really, this makes me wonder how in the world they expect people to remember to call in each weekend and how we are just expected to show with such short notice. I have kids, people, I need weeks notice! And now I have to deal with this the next month and a half. I DID NOT put off registering to vote for this sole reason alone!


  1. Wow! Thanks for visiting my blog and commenting! That stinks about the jury duty... Seems like they should only pick those of us who work during the court-times. Then nobody would need to rush around and re-arrange everything!

  2. I am surprised they let you off. I tried the no babysitter thing here and they didn't care! I still had to serve. GRRR!!

  3. haha, I have yet to be called for jury duty knock on wood, but they really should consider the Moms and not call on such short notice!! Glad you found the dog!

  4. Thanks for the stopping by. As I sit here with my stomach too full from last night's Nilla Wafer treat(s), I totally understand eating just a bit too much.

  5. I was called to jury duty not too long ago... Got off the hook because I no longer lived in the county.

    Glad the dog was found - and I love pajama days!

    Happy NMM!
