Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

While today is actually not Thanksgiving I doubt that I will be spending time on the computer tomorrow so wanted to post ahead. I have the pumpkin pies in the oven, the peach cheesecake already made, and pumpkin roll on the brain (which I will probably be making tomorrow morning) so I am basically set to shuttle my family off to my parent's house for the get together tomorrow. It is so much less stress to go to a get together, rather than host one. One of my friends is hosting her in-laws this year and with three little children I think she is one brave woman! It is horribly hard just getting the house ready and the food perfect, but with three small children following along it is 100% harder. If you are going to a get together this year be sure to thank the host and hostess!

Thanksgiving is a perfect time to realize just what we have to be thankful for. Many families have the tradition of going around the table and naming one thing that everyone is thankful for. Today, let's go around the blog and name our thankfulness.

1. My husband and children. To have my OWN family is something that I will forever be grateful for. They are the soft spot where I can fall if I need to. They are the strong arms around me or the tiny hands hugging me "just because".

2. My extended family. While we can't "choose" who we are related to I have been blessed by a pretty good bunch! My parents taught me between right and wrong in life and my brothers and sisters were there to torment me and also teach me the real meaning of life. It is wonderful when you can say your family is also your best friends.

3. My husband having a secure job in this economy. Secure enough that we don't have to wonder where our next meal will come from or how we will pay that next bill. Secure enough to be comfortable. And comfortable is good.

4. A warm home, food to eat, and warm cozy clothing. Who needs more than those basics, when many don't even have that.

5. Friends who are there to be a listening ear or shoulder to lean on. Friends who get it. You know who you are and I am very thankful for you all!

What are you thankful for this holiday season?


  1. I am very thankful to have security going into winter of a warm and cozy home of my own. I can not image being homeless at this time of the year.

  2. What a beautiful post! You really hit on what this holiday is all about. I am thankful for so many of the same things you listed in your life.

    Hmmm, peach cheesecake? That sounds DIVINE!


  3. What a nice post! I also have been thinking of all the many blessings so often taken for granted such as food, shelter, enough money to pay bills, three healthy kids, loving husband...and good friends like you, Beth! :)
