Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tag, You're It!

I was tagged by my blogging friend Tina at www.itmaybeacrazylifebutitisourlife.blogspot.com I am supposed to write seven things about myself that you may or may not know. So here it goes...

1. In my 27 years of living I have lived in about 18 houses. I say "about" because we have moved so much that I am not sure of the exact number. I'm pretty close to the right number though.

2. I went to parochial and public school and graduated as a homeschooler. So I know what all three are about.

3. While I live in town I am a farmgirl at heart. I would love nothing more than to supply most of our food from the land, have a cow to milk, chickens to feed us, and be away from city life. But for now I am content to do what I can with our small yard and basic cooking and simple living.

4. I'm cheap. Like really cheap. I shop sales and do without a lot. I guess that is how we can afford to live on one income in a two income world.

5. I love my family with all my heart. They ground me and make me who I am. I would do anything for my husband and kids and put them before myself at all times. I think that is the way it has to be to be to make a happy family.

6. I got married when I was 18.

7. I have some guilty pleasures. One of them is watching "Desperate Housewives". I know it's trash...and that is why it is a guilty pleasure!

Care to leave one of your interesting tidbits in the comments section? I'd love to learn more about my readers!

1 comment:

  1. Elizabeth:

    Great list....I love your one about living off the land out of the city. I would love to one day live either in the country or on a lake, have a big garden and have windmills for my electricity...maybe one day!
