Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Me! Monday

I did not continue to go back to our new gas station in town because they had more grand opening specials last week. How can you pass up 50 cent brats, free soda fountain drinks, and more? Since I certainly do not need all that junk I certainly did not go almost every day last week and make those grand opening specials our lunch. I especially did not get excited today when I saw the new advertisement and saw a free coupon for a gallon of ice cream and free iced coffee. Not me!

I did not fall asleep today while putting the toddler down for a nap. I did not wake up ten minutes later thinking "I wonder what the other two kids are doing?" and then decide I was comfy, warm, and still tired and fall back to sleep. An hour later I come downstairs to find that one child had fallen asleep and the other was watching tv.

I did not stick my baby in the bathtub two days in a row after taking his diaper off because it was too messy for me to attempt cleaning him with just baby wipes. I did not splash him clean with water instead. I did not then let him play in the tub (in clean water) while I sat and read a book for 15 minutes. Because if I had stuck him in the tub and had some extra moments while he was busy I would have cleaned the whole bathroom and washed down the floor because it surely needed it. So no way did I waste that time reading.

I did not get mad at my husband after he cleaned out the whole garden for me. I did not ask him, quite loudly, with that tone in my voice why he pulled my strawberry plants out along with the wilted vegetable plants. Because I would have realized that he was just trying to be helpful and just didn't realize that strawberry plants come back year after year and that you don't pull them out by the roots. I certainly did not roll my eyes and sigh and walk out of the house angry.

1 comment:

  1. sticking at least one of the boys in the tub because one of their diapers was too messy for wipes is a daily occurrence here! and I always grab a book. always. I'd never get 15 minutes of "quiet" time to read in if I didn't. unless I stay up for a ridiculously long time...and then I'm stuck to the computer.... :) oh, and I got upset at my hubby today because the section of lawn he staked-off for the garden next year was CROOKED! yes. CROOKED! how am I supposed to plant anything in a crooked garden? :( I had to slap myself for that one!
