Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Christmas in...October?!

With all the Christmas talk over at my mom's blog http://www.marypotterkenyon.wordpress.com it has gotten me to think about my own Christmas stash. I may have learned from my mom that you don't start thinking about Christmas shopping the day after Thanksgiving (known by many as Black Friday) but rather the day after Christmas. Yes, that is right, it gives you 364 days to prepare for next Christmas! I buy all my wrapping paper and Christmas cards when they have 75% off Christmas items and stash them away for the next year. I would cringe if I was forced to buy those products at full retail price when I know just how cheap they go soon after the holidays.

And while I am trying to take a lot of the holiday focus off of gifts and more on family, traditions, and you know...the real reason for Christmas!... I do try to find a little special something for everyone in my family. With so many brothers, sisters, and children of my own the list can be daunting at times. Which is why it is great to think ahead. This year I was finished shopping for one of my sisters in June when I hit a good sale at the mall, combined with a few little things I found on clearance here and there. I have most of my mom's gifts already bought, and one thing for each of my brothers already. It pays to think ahead and buy those perfect gifts that you run across and stash them away. Then you don't have to rush about in December and pay full price for just a gift that has no meaning and was bought at the last minute. My six year old has a big 'ole dollhouse from Melissa & Doug coming her way that I bought last year at over a 50% savings. With the adorable little wooden dolls and furniture that comes with it I am sure I (oops...I mean she) will spend hours upon hours playing with it. So with many of my Christmas gifts already bought I will not be rushing around in December stressing over that perfect gift that I must find. Instead I will be decorating the house, baking goodies, and spending time enjoying the holiday season. Because for me my favorite part of the holidays is not the actual day of Christmas, but rather the month leading up to it when everything seems so magical and wonderful.

Do you shop ahead of time or do you enjoy the rush of the holiday shopping? And are you one of those brave people who venture out on Black Friday? I love to read your comments!


  1. I love black Friday.. mostly because it is the only time when it is ok to get up really really early and shop! I love to shop! I also love the Christmas Season.. the magical and wonderful aspect of it all. Last year on Black Friday I found my perfect wedding ring. It was only $150! Whitehall jewelry store was going out of business at Jordan Creek Mall. I scored big! It was the style I always dreamed of at a price I could definitely afford!!! I also got all my ladies on my list a little something from Bath & Body Works. Those plug in air freshner things...can't remember what they are called now. I don't use them because they are so overpowering I think.
    I also go and buy 10 newspapers and use those Younkers $10 off with a zillion exclusions coupons. They are fun but it takes forever to find the right items to buy.. I still have earrings I paid next to nothing for I still need to put on ebay still, LOL.

    It was also a sad Christmas because we found out on Christmas day while opening presents Ryan's brother was getting divorced (she was leaving him). He has two boys about the same age as ours.. 4 and 2. We couldn't believe it!! To this day they are still divorced and she is seeing someone else. So sad.

    I love the decorating the tree with lights and baking lots of goodies. I just love watching the snow fall and hearing the crunch of the newly fallen snow under the vehicles as they drive by the house.

    I already have a huge stash of gifts so I usually just pull something out of it on a whim. We are very blessed this year because we purchased 3 really nice $50 Bushnell Weather forecasters for only tax after the rebate. Two will go to my in-laws for Christmas. I am so excited. I still need to find a few more gifts but I don't mind.. as long as most of the people are covered. ;)
    Love your blog..

  2. I have never done the Black Friday thing. I get irritated at all of the rude people in Wal Mart on a regular day, ha! How neat that you find things throughout the year.
