Thursday, September 24, 2009

What's Up With That?!

Have you ever just looked around yourself at the crazy world and just thought "What's up with that?!" Have you ever wondered what someone was thinking (or why they weren't thinking) when they chose to do what they did? Have you ever wondered what it will be like in ten or twenty years when it is so bad now?

What am I talking about? The morals and values of today. How scary it is that they are sliding further and further away from Christian thinking and into a whatever feels good mentality. It makes me sad, it makes me mad, and it makes me scared for my own children and what they will have to face when they get older. Whether it is the casual talk of abortions and birth control, the in-in-your-face-everyone-is-doing-it-so-it's-perfectly-okay stance of pre-marital sex and living together, or the drinking and party scene that gets you no where but is oh so popular. It's scary!

I will be the first to admit it, I am a sinner. I am no better than anyone else. Everyone sins and makes mistakes and who am I to judge? I have asked myself that question many times in the last year or so. I do not want to be judgemental but I also want my children to know between right and wrong. Because there is a right and wrong in every situation. And then I realized that there is a difference between judging a person and judging a behavior. There are things that as Christians we are told not to do. They are called the Ten Commandments for a reason, not the ten suggestions. And while everyone messes up sometimes that doesn't mean we are to okay those actions. We really can love a person and not judge them while at the same time know that their actions and behavior was wrong.

And that realization is what makes me even more confident that I can teach my children my views, morals, and values without them feeling like they can never come to me if they messed up or chose a different path. Because doing something wrong does not make someone a bad person. But explaining that wrong into a right doesn't work to make you a good person either. You can't say I did x, y, z because... and make it okay in the eyes of God. (For example, someone can't say it is okay to cheat on their spouse because their spouse cheated on them...your actions are just as wrong either way.)

So while the world continues to slide further into the gutter and many actions will still be beyond me to comprehend or even begin to understand I do know that there are ways to teach, guide, and nurture my own children to the right path while not teaching them to be judgemental of people.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree! Don't let anyone get you down.. the only reason people disagree with the christian attitudes and teachings is because they themselves are lost and choose to disobey God's word. They want to live in sin. That is the whole problem. The fall of man. And we both know the answer, Jesus. God Bless!
