Monday, September 28, 2009

Not Me! Monday

Last week was a blur of activity. It seems this is when my true "not me" moments tend to shine. Enjoy, at my expense!

I did not spend over $100 at the city wide garage sales. Granted, I bought bags of quality clothing for my children and two digital cameras but I would never spend all I made at my garage sale and then some. I certainly did not find such good items that I decided to go to more the next day and spend even more money. That doesn't sound like me at all!

I did not fall behind on laundry and find a stinky moldy sock and toddler pajama top at the very bottom of the hamper. Apparently they were put in the hamper while wet and soon forgotten as laundry piled on top. I did not throw those two items away. Because as everyone knows I finish my laundry every single day and would never ever let the bottom of the hamper go unchecked. Not me!

I did not spend all weekend refinishing the dining room floor with hubby. I did not neglect every single other household chore because of that. I did not expend all my energy trying to keep the children from the dining room, only to fail every so often. I did not pick a stain color that ended up being much darker than planned. I did not forget to test a small patch to make sure that was the color I wanted instead of just slathering it on only to find out later it was much darker. But if I had done that I assume I would just tell everyone it's too late now and we will learn to live with it. That the flaws that show through add character to the floor. Nope, not me, I did not do any of that!

I did not let me toddler "drive" and my other two play in the trunk of the car while I was cleaning it out. Isn't it somewhat dangerous to let kids play in the trunk? I thought so, so that is why I certainly did not let my children do that just to keep them quiet and out of the way.

What are some of your Not Me! Moments from last week?


  1. Funny. Thanks for sharing...I haven't let my little ones "drive" before either. And I am NOT planning to go to a block yard sale this Saturday...LOL
