Monday, September 14, 2009

Not Me! Monday

The blog carnival "Not Me Monday!" was started by My Charming Kids. We are supposed to post what, we, as perfect mothers would never do (but have done!). It's a good way to air some of our dirty laundry and prove we are just human! So here goes...

I did not give my 16 month old some Pepsi in his sippy cup just to keep him from crying since that is what he wanted and I just needed some quiet. What mother would give a baby highly caffeinated soda? Not me!

I did not notice after stepping out of the shower and putting on capris that I forgot to shave my legs. I did not stick my legs back into the tub and only shave up to the knee. Not me!

I did not throw away a pair of the kids muddy shorts because I didn't even want to attempt to get them clean. Who would do that? Not me!

I did not open the refrigerator door to see that a yogurt container leaked all over and promptly shut it again to save the mess for later. Not me!

I did not feed my children Poptarts for breakfast two days in a row. I know that they are "supposed" to be breakfast food as Kelloggs would like us to think but we all know they are just loaded with sugar. I know a "good" mother would never feed her children poptarts for breakfast so you can all rest assured that I did not feed my own precious children those sugary devil treats for two mornings straight. Not me!

Do you have any mommy confessions? I'd love to hear some of yours, at least to make myself feel a little better!


  1. Wow! That sounds a lot like me! I mean..that does NOT sound like things I would do! I absolutely have never closed the fridge door hoping someone else would find the mess and feel led to clean it! Oh...and the infamous knee high shave! Yeah...I definitely never do that. ;o) -nice to "meet" you!-Janelle (

  2. Hahahaha! I have NEVER thrown clothes away because I didn't want to deal with washing them!

  3. a little taste of sweet will not be too bad limited portions is only a treat

  4. let's of my nevers...hmm...
    I never left a baby in a dirty diaper for an extra five minutes after realizing baby had one because I knew Hubby would be soon and if I pretended to ignore it, he would think I hadn't realized it and change it himself. Of course, no, I've never done that!! O:)
