Thursday, September 10, 2009

Do Mothers Get a Vacation?

I don't think mothers ever get a full vacation but so far the past few days have been pretty relaxing (for the most part). My hubby has had a few days off from work and won't have to go back until Monday so we have been taking it easy and just enjoying life. I find that with two adults home it makes things 100% easier during the day and much more relaxing.

Yesterday we decided to head out early to some city wide garage sales that were in a nearby town. After driving the 20 miles to get there and stopping to get gas hubby sees that anti-freeze is leaking out underneath the van. So our plans were canceled right then and we came straight home. I wasn't too disappointed as I had picked up the paper and saw only a few garage sale listings, nothing like the 40+ sales they have in the summer during city wide sales. After arriving home hubby determined that we didn't lose a whole lot of anti-freeze and it has probably been doing that for awhile. But it looks like a van repair is in order and we already have a $550 estimate on the repair. Grr! I did go to some garage sales in the evening with my mom and sisters and enjoyed shopping child-free, but didn't find a darn thing!

But this morning dawned bright and clear (okay, not clear since it was foggy). Hubby and I decided to head out to garage sales again and see if we could find any good deals. The first several sales were not very good but I managed to hit one sale that had several boys items and another that had good quality girls clothing. My best find was a small table (I think called a hall table). I had been wanting one and almost bought one new for $80 a few months ago but decided not to. I'm glad I waited because this one was just $5! It needs a new coat of paint and some drawer pulls but you can't beat that price. I will post pictures of it sometime soon. We then went out to one of our favorite family restaurants and enjoyed a nice brunch.

As I said, it hasn't been a full vacation though. My point is proven as I now have to head to the kitchen to make supper (salmon patties for the adults and chicken fries for the children along with salad and breadsticks) , get some laundry going, clean off the table, and all the other activities that keeps life running smoothly. If only I had a maid and a nanny some days!

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