Us vs. “them”.
It’s a tactic that has worked since the beginning of war; label the enemy and attack.
Anyone with social media, a radio, or a television can clearly see that there is a war going on. Everyone is right, everyone needs to prove how right they are, and we all suffer.
Dancing In No Man’s Land by Brian Jennings is an incredible book that helps us to see how we can balance peace with truth. He takes Biblical scriptures of being kind, loving our neighbors (and enemies!), and being a light to the world to show that if something we want to say isn’t kind, helpful, or loving it doesn’t need to be said.
He shows examples in the Bible where Jesus showed righteous anger (table flipping, anyone?!), times when he rebuked with his own questions, times when he stayed silent.
But most of all, Jennings showed us how we’ve all become accustomed to picking sides and creating our own bunkers to throw our assaults from and how those who can meet in the middle (“no man’s land”) are the ones who can actually change the world. Throwing bombs across the trenches isn’t going to change anyone’s mind - it’s only going to make people defensive and hurt.
This book opened up my eyes on how to love like Jesus while still speaking His truths.
This book was given to me by Tyndale Publishers in exchange for my honest review.